Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bigfoot Real?

The legend of Bigfoot is known around the world. There have been sightings from the Pacific Northwest, to the Louisiana bayou and even Central Asia. But never has there been any confirming evidence, until now. 

Bigfoot enthusiast in northern Texas have claimed to find substantial evidence that confirms the ape like creature exists. Although a Sasquatch body has not officially been examined, the HD video below is one step closer to confirming what many believe. Bigfoot exists, and he really wants us to leave him alone.

I live in Washington state myself and the legend of the giant ape creature is nothing new. There are many places to hide in the backcountry, and friends of mine have told stories of the mythical hairy giant. My time working at a coffee stand (cleverly named 'Bigfoot Java') only ingrained the mythology.

Is this proof of bigfoot? Not until one ends up in a zoo will the general population truly believe. For now, it makes great headlines for a slow news day.

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